
Tip against bad breath

There are many causes for this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition to poor dental care, it is occasionally technical errors by dentists, but also the metabolic products of the microbiome and a possibly disturbed liver - to address the main things. More exercise in fresh air is often the best solution!

Morning bad breath often comes from the night-time metabolism of the oral flora as well as interactions with the ascending stomach flora.

Chewing fennel, anise or caraway, but also a drop of organic peppermint oil, licked from the back of the hand and nicely distributed in the mouth with the tongue, can reduce unpleasant odors and strengthen the gums. If you add peppermint oil to your natural dental care, fresh breath will soon be normal after brushing your teeth in the morning.

(After: Volkmann, P.-H.: Healthy intestines - healthy people! Very simple!, VBN-Verlag 2017)