Organic food doesn't have to be more expensive
"Organic food hardly more expensive than conventional food!" was the headline in Focus magazine in October 2012.
A survey on nutritional behaviour in Germany revealed the following facts:
- On average, Germans spend around €2,650 per person per year on organic food. This figure includes Harz IV recipients!
- Organic buyers spend €2750 per person per year, a whole €100 more on their incomparably higher-quality diet.
How is that supposed to work when organic is really more expensive?
The explanation was simple and logical, even for the Focus:
Organic eaters leave all the disease-causing soft drinks, chocolate, ready meals etc. in the shop and keep themselves healthier by eating fresh fruit and vegetables as well as healthy bread and baked goods with appetite.
They usually only buy as much as they will actually eat in the next few days and hardly throw any food in the bin. You wouldn't believe how much you can save by doing this alone!
More savings ideas:
- Shop according to the season
- Use the latest offers
- Use favourable vegetable varieties: Savoy cabbage, red and white cabbage, sauerkraut are comparatively inexpensive but perfectly healthy vegetables that are rarely found on the table in many modern households, even though they can taste wonderful when prepared correctly.
- Grow your own: Whether you have a garden, balcony or windowsill - anyone can grow herbs, fruit or vegetables on a small or large scale. Even if it's just a box of cress on the windowsill. Drinking tap water: If the quality of the drinking water is right, you can conveniently draw your water from the tap. This not only saves money, but also time and effort when buying water and is also environmentally friendly due to the low energy consumption for packaging and transport. And when it comes to health, still water is clearly the best thirst quencher.
And if you really do spend a little more on your organic food, it's a good investment in your health. After all, you can save on personal suffering, waiting times in surgeries and medical costs in the long term.
(After: Volkmann, P.-H.: Darm gesund - Mensch gesund! Quite simply!, VBN-Verlag 2017)