Drinking enough - With water against pain

The minimum daily amount of water an adolescent should drink without physical exertion is around two litres of pure water. Unless there is high blood pressure or massive kidney problems, this is also the recommended amount until old age - because water is the most important solvent for metabolic toxins in the body.
Intensely coloured urine is always an indication of a relative lack of water!
Acute pain is often a sign of a lack of "flushing and cleansing" of the tissues. This is particularly noticeable after a party with normal food in a convenience food restaurant or with processed convenience food from a discounter.
If a headache, an incipient migraine or back pain suddenly sets in, then an attack of pain with an additional two litres of water, drunk in just one hour, can in many cases literally wash away the pain with every visit to the toilet.
(After: Volkmann, P.-H.: Darm gesund - Mensch gesund! Quite simply!, VBN-Verlag 2017)