
Commitment to the Dummersdorfer Ufer

We live sustainability and ecology out of conviction. An ecological project close to our hearts is the "Dummersdorfer Ufer", to which we feel deeply connected and which we have supported "for what feels like forever". This year with two special campaigns ...

Our Green Friday action week

Green Friday, the sustainable alternative to Black Friday, is also intended to benefit the environment. Hypo-A will be taking part for the first time in 2024. It quickly became clear: we wanted to support the Dummersdorfer Ufer near us. In close coordination with the landscape conservation association, our team thought about how we could most effectively help the protected natural area - with donations and active on-site support. The result is a fundraising campaign during the Green Week and active biotope care on Green Friday.

Green Friday: We tackle the problem!

After our discussion with the Dummersdorfer Ufer e.V. landscape conservation association, it was clear that practical help was needed. To prevent the unique habitat for the protected green and natterjack toads from becoming overgrown, willow shoots must be removed. This requires many hard-working hands. No sooner said than done. Equipped with rubber boots, work gloves and weatherproof clothing, we and our partners removed growing little willows in bright sunshine and cool temperatures.

Spendenaktion: Jeder Einkauf ein Gewinn für die Umwelt

Gesunde Nahrungsergänzungen kaufen und zugleich der Umwelt helfen? Genau das können unsere Kundinnen und Kunden vom 25. bis 30. November 2024 mit ihrem Einkauf im Online-Shop von hypo-A*:

  • Im Aktionszeitraum spenden wir für jede Bestellung 5 % des Warenkorbwertes. 
  • Ab einem Warenkorbwert von 150 € erhöht sich die Spende sogar auf 10 %. 
Die gesammelten Spenden gehen komplett an das Dummersdorfer Ufer, das wir mit bis zu 1.000 €** unterstützen möchten. Helfen Sie uns, dieses ehrgeizige Spendenziel zu erreichen?!

Jetzt einkaufen & der Umwelt Gutes tun

Dummersdorfer Ufer – protecting the habitat of rare species schützen 

Since 1977, the Lübeck landscape conservation association Dummersdorfer Ufer e.V. has been committed to protecting valuable habitats. The focus of the work is on research, environmental education and biotope care - with a particular focus on rare animal and plant species such as the Baltic Gentian, the Red-Backed Shrike and the Barred Warbler. The project follows a holistic, integrative approach that places great value on the balance between protection and use, the preservation of biodiversity and the needs of people. 

The association is named after the Dummersdorfer Ufer on the west bank of the lower reaches of the Trave. Its core is the Hirtenberg peninsula, which projects far into the Traveförde. Its natural area also includes the gravel pit on Hirtenbergweg, which the landscape conservation association has leased since 2022. Goats and sheep keep the area short and thus leave plenty of space for the local plants and animals. The gravel pit is not only an El Dorado for sand lizards and the like, the rare green toads and natterjack toads also feel at home in the shallow waters. Both toad species are protected throughout Europe under the FFH Directive (Annex IV) and "strictly protected" under the Federal Nature Conservation Act. They require dry, warm areas with loose and sandy soils as a habitat. In addition, both species need open, low-vegetation/free areas with suitable hiding places and, at the same time, largely vegetation-free shallow and small bodies of water for spawning.

Further information about the biotope and the association’s activities can be found on the  website of the protection association.